Armenta II Armenta II נייד

Armenta has pioneered acoustic wave-based technology that is revolutionizing the standard of care for cows. This innovative approach increases milk production and enhances the overall health of cows without relying on medications. The market potential for this groundbreaking solution is estimated to reach billions of dollars.

Type Stocks
Category Agritech
Minimum Investment 0

A breakthrough in animal welfare and environmental sustainability

Armenta’s innovation is the solution to Bovine mastitis, the most pressing disease affecting dairy cattle worldwide, causing over 2B Euro of annual losses in Europe alone.
How can farmers balance the need to reduce carbon emissions on their farms with other drivers for change, such as higher animal welfare? Are there examples of when these two goals are in conflict and how are farmers tackling this challenge?
How can we continue to ensure that animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and financial sustainability for the farmer go hand in hand? Armenta is striking a balance between sustainability, welfare and profitability is as a Whole-System Approach.


Farmer Challenge: Bovine Mastitis Impact

Bovine Mastitis is a response to bacterial invasion into the udder and up to 45% of the herd may get infected by clinical or sub-clinical mastitis each year.
Bovine mastitis is regarded as the #1challenge of the farmer as it is the top contributor of losses in the farm
Mastitis effects the lifetime milk production of a cow. Causes ~5% lower milk production during lactation and ~100 days shortening productive milk days which leads to annual losses of up to $500 per cow.

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Current Mastitis Management in the Farm

Today mastitis management in the farm is mainly done by using antibiotics.
Using antibiotics leads to:
Discarding milk -> direct revenue loss
Increasing the risk to develop AMR -> global public health hazard
Compromising the cow’s health -> Leads to recurrences and involuntary culling.
As we know, Antibiotics only fight the invading bacteria, but it does not heal the damages caused by the inflammation.
Cured cow’s milk production in many times, does not resume to pre-infected rates and this loss of future milk production lowers cow profitability.

The APT Technology
The product is based on the principals of ballistic energy powered by compressed air, that creates a unique acoustic pulse wave which triggers natural biological response
allowing, for the 1st time to cover a large therapeutic area in a single pulse. Simple, practical, and effective. APT can be implemented and applied anywhere in the farm.
Armenta products and technology has been validated on over 3,000 cows, at over 100 dairy farms around the world.
We have seen consistent results of the benefits of using APT in the treatment of bovine mastitis.
Overall, 20% increase in milk production compared to existing treatment and management methods.

Armenta – Potential Market Revenue
The product consists of a pulse generator (the APT-X) and a consumable part, the AM (applicator module) that should be replaced every 100 treated cows.
This is in fact our core business model. Razor-razorblade model of selling consumables. If we target only 25% of the global dairy farm market (50m cows), the potential market revenue of Armenta can reach to over $1B annually. We believe we can do so in 5 years, by co-operation with leading market players in bovine mastitis who has direct market access to farmers (or via dist.), animal health companies or animal nutrition and livestock genetics companies. Also, dairy companies and dairy cooperatives, and with companies developing machinery for herd milking and smarter farm technologies for better health management.


The tip of the iceberg
APT can be used as dry period therapy or boosting udder health to produce more milk.
Beyond Udder health market, there is potential in treating reproduction disorders and lameness and expanding to other livestock animals becoming the farmer’s 1st choice in herd health management.

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