City Transformer City Transformer נייד

City Transformer, a German-Israeli venture, has introduced an innovative vehicle that is poised to revolutionize urban transport globally. This groundbreaking solution aims to address one of the pressing challenges faced by cities worldwide. With its unique design and functionality, City Transformer's urban vehicle holds the potential to significantly transform the future of urban transportation.

Type Stocks
Category Mobility
Minimum Investment 20,000$

A Transportation Solution for City Travelling

Cars were always a symbol of freedom and agility, but in today’s reality, owning a car in any of the world’s metropolises has turned into a burden that only limits the freedom and free time of its owners. We spend endless hours in traffic jams and in search of parking, pay huge amounts for maintenance, gas, insurance and parking, and most of the time we drive alone.

Israeli based City Transformer has developed a compact car that solves all the problems created by owning a standard car in the city. This clever car, developed in collaboration with a German manufacturer, has a unique patented transforming platform with a folding mechanism that expands the car’s surface for highway driving of up to 90 km/h, and contracting it back to its slim motorcycle width, when it’s time for parking.

The Benefits of a Standard Car – Minus the Disadvantages

The revolutionary CT car is a fantastic opportunity for private buyers as well as for car-sharing businesses, who will all benefit from huge savings. This innovative development radically cuts down on traffic jams, fuel consumption and pollution, while also solving the parking headache every city car owner knows all too well. In fact, with the City Transformer solution, standard cars in the city will become irrelevant and obsolete.

The number of cars in the world is constantly on the rise and resulting in congestion in the cities. The City Transformer car is a top-end solution to this problem and will undoubtedly be highly sought after by city councils, car fleets and private customers. The cost of the CT car is significantly lower than a standard car and unlike other solutions, it maintains key advantages of a private car while neutralizing all its disadvantages.

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Awards and Grants

The company’s innovative thinking and the indicative demand for its CT car has won it several prestigious awards and grants. City Transformer took third place in the international Creativity Business Cup competition against 63 international companies. The company won first place in the SolidWorks Design competition and participated in the Microsoft Think Next event. It was also presented at Alair’s “next big thing” – a software services provider to giants like Mercedes-Benz and Maserati – with whom City Transformer forged collaborations, adding to another two collaborations CT now has with Rassaini and Yamaha in the car industry.

City Transformer was chosen to participate in two accelerator programs, namely: EcoMotion – Smart Mobility Community, where it won first place in the first round, as well as a financial reward; and in the international Mass Challenge Accelerator. City Transformer was awarded two National Grants, one from the Israel Innovation Authority and one recently, from the Ministry of Energy and the Smart Transportation Administration in the Prime Minister’s Office. 

CT Advantages:

  • Solves parking problems and traffic congestions in cities.
  • Huge global market potential.
  • Saving 90% on energy costs and 60% on maintenance costs.
  • Ecofriendly solution.
  • Proven technology and patent protected.
  • Manufacturing will be completed in Germany during2020, and a pilot will start for the first 100 cars in 2021.
  • Collaboration with the Tel Aviv City Council and the Kolding Municipality in Denmark.
  • Cooperation with carpooling fleet companies and with Israel’s MDA (Emergency Medical Services.
  • An effective solution in any weather.

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Market Potential

Based on UN data, 55% of the world’s population today lives in cities and by 2050 this number will reach 68%. All these people are going to need a convenient travelling method, which will take them to their destination fast, in any weather and without having to stand in traffic or look for a parking spot.

Along with the personal need, city municipalities and car sharing organizations have a keen interest in the CT car. The City Transformer car cuts down on pollution, helps reduce congestions from traffic and parked cars, freeing expensive real estate by minimizing parking needs.

These advantages have all made the CT car highly coveted even before its launch, and it’s gaining a lot of interest from private owners, car fleet companies and the Tel Aviv City Council who is keeping a close eye on the City Transformer car. The CT car is planned for launch in Tel Aviv in 2021 and will likely be favored by environmental organizations.

Price, Target Users and Timeline

The CT car pilot with 100 cars is planned for 2021, after the imminent launch in 2020. The target buyers are companies that operate car-sharing fleets in cities everywhere. This audience has a clear interest for using the CT car, including:

  1. Saving 75% on parking spaces, thereby saving on parking costs which are paid to the municipalities.
  2. Offering a wide and innovative selection for users.
  3. Increasing the company’s relevant client base.
  4. Reduced maintenance costs.
  5. Ready systems for car-sharing.

Mass production of the vehicle is scheduled for 2022, with the increased production capabilities growing to 15,000 units to be sold to fleets and other industries during the beta phase.


In 2023, CT will be launched for the second market –private customers. It is expected that 100,000 cars will be manufactured that year for global sales. The car will be sold for USD 13,000.

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